For connecting temperature sensor TC, TZ, Ni1000, Pt1000 or Pt100
These units are designed for connection of one (TI3-10B) to four (TI3-40B) external temperature sensors.
Units range TI3 support the connection of the following temperature sensors:
- TC / TZ - 2-wire connections
- Ni1000, Pt1000, Pt100 - 2-wire and 3-wire.
Used in when necessary to take temperatures from different places (for example large floor heating – diagonal layout of sensors, floor/space, indoor/outdoor temperature, technological device – boiler, solar heating etc.)
Status of units indicated by green RUN LED on the front panel:
+49 (0) 264 673 999 46 | | |
+49 (0) 264 673 999 46 | | |